
主页 > 技术 > 猪群保健 > 保健方略 > 美国养猪业抗生素(饲料预混剂)使用状况评估


作者:美国利来曲向阳来源:猪e网时间:2012-07-05 13:35点击:


  在保育阶段,金霉素使用量最大(32741公斤),土霉素第二(8426公斤),替米考星名列第三位(6696 公斤)。在生长育肥阶段,金霉素使用量最大(204580 公斤),其次是泰乐菌素(72119 公斤),土霉素排名第三位(60444公斤)。从总体上来看,养猪业每年所使用的抗生素中,金霉素使用量最大,约533,973 kg,而泰乐菌素与土霉素紧随其后,年使用量分别为165,803 公斤与154,956公斤。


  The objective of this project was to construct an estimate of antimicrobial use through the feed in swine production in the United States. Estimates were based on data from the National Animal Health Monitoring System (NAHMS) Swine 2006 Study and from a 2009 survey of swine-exclusive practitioners.

  Inputs consisted of number of pigs in a production phase, feed intake per day, dose of the antimicrobial in the feed, and duration of administration. Calculations were performed for a total of 102 combinations of antimicrobials (n = 17), production phases (n = 2), and reasons for use (n = 3). Calculations were first conducted on farm-level data, and then extrapolated to the U.S. swine population.

  Among the nursery phase estimates (Table 3), chlortetracycline had the largest production cycle estimate of use (32,741 kg), followed by oxytetracycline (8,426 kg) and tilmicosin (6,696 kg). In the grower/finisher phase, chlortetracycline also had the largest use estimate (204,580 kg), followed by tylosin (72,119 kg) and oxytetracycline (60,444 kg). As an annual industry estimate for all phases, chlortetracycline had the highest estimated use at 533,973 kg. The second and third highest estimates were tylosin and oxytetracycline with estimated annual uses of 165,803 kg and 154,956 kg, respectively.



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